Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. We've been crazy busy!! We went on a little vacation to my grandparents' house in Central PA to try to unwind before school started back up again. We went to Indian Echo Caverns, Lake Tobias and Knoebels!! We've agreed that all three places will be regulars on our list of things to do with our kids. Then we came back, and started getting my classroom ready for the new year. Tony moved all my furniture for me so I didn't have to do much, and he's already warned just about everyone that if they see me doing ANYTHING I shouldn't be, to yell at me. Nice, right?? Haha..

So, I'm officially in my 12th week. Next week is my last of this trimester!! CRAZY and scary all at the same time. After next week, I'm officially 1/3 of the way closer to childbirth. Blah! Could have done without that thought! My belly is starting to "pouch".. nothing major, but enough that I definitely notice it more than I used to. I was doing really well with the weight gain, til we went to grandma's. I love that woman, and I love her cooking even more. Needless to say, we had some type of pasta three times that week. Not to mention her delicious apple cake and pineapple apple pie. So I'm 3 lbs over where I should be, but I figure, it could be worse!

We go to the doctor next week, and we'll get to hear the heartbeat!!! We're going to be sure to record it on our cell phones - it will be my new ringtone, no doubt. Until then...