Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I know, I know, I know... it's been forever. I'm sorry! Life's been a bit hectic. Let's see.. what to update on first. Last I posted, we found out it was a girl. Well, since then, we've actually had a third ultrasound (totally not normal) but since Anna was such a little squirmy worm, they needed to get some more pictures and that resulted in the tech breakin' out the 3D/4D wand!! It's not the best picture, but it's WAY better than those stupid 2D ones! Of course as soon as the tech put the 3D wand on my stomach, Anna put her arm across her face - diva already. It almost even looks like she's flicking us off.. classy like her mother. (Oh, and to make Tony feel better, the tech checked, and she's still a girl)

She's a VERY active baby - so far Mom, Adrienne MIL and Mandy have felt her move. Mandy was a bit grossed out by it. Haha..

At our last appointment back at the beginning of December, I got a shock of learning that I had gained 13 lbs in the month of November (bad baby!) but they didn't seem too concerned about it, so long as it doesn't continue. Well, we had an appointment this morning, and I only gained another 5 or 6 this month, so we're back to a little closer to normal.

She was sitting sideways(breech) at the last ultrasound and I could feel the hard spots on my sides where her head and butt were, but the other night she was EXTREMELY active and was doing a lot of acrobatics and I had a feeling she had flipped. So we asked the doctor this morning and she felt around and grabbed her head down at the bottom! Then Tony asked if she could show him what she was feeling for and she helped him grab Anna by the head - I thought he was going to pee himself he was so excited!

Now we get to go to the doctor's every 2 weeks for the month of January and then every week in February.. wohoo!

OH!!! AND.... Tony surprised me Christmas morning by having gone out and bought the crib for us!!!! He's the best... honest. So we've got most of the nursery situated.. Mom and I are making the quilt and bumper pads this week. And my aunt and uncle have a mattress that they're giving us. I painted wooden letters hot pink and hung them on the wall this afternoon - it looks cuter everyday!

And honestly, I swear that I can see my belly get bigger each day - and compared to some pictures that I've seen online, my belly really isn't that big! You tell me.. although the pic is from the front and distorts it a little ;-) You can see, no stretch marks on the front yet!! Cross your fingers it stays that way.. the ones on my hips I can deal with later.
PS - Like the crooked line down the "middle" of my belly? Cute, huh?