Thursday, January 15, 2009

I can't believe..

It's already the middle of January! Where has all the time gone?? I'm officially 32 1/2 weeks pregnant and only have 7 1/2 weeks to go - and that's only if she decides to stay in the oven for the full 40 weeks! Technically she's full-term in 4 1/2 weeks.. scary. Tony thinks she's coming the last week of February. I dunno... although it would be nice to miss being uncomfortable during conferences the 2nd and 3rd of March! Ha.

I'm beginning to think that there is like NO amniotic fluid in there anymore... all I feel are limbs and her butt and back all the time! My ribs are killing me and I dread when she finds my bladder each day - I would totally take those little "love taps" she would give it when she was so much smaller, but considering she weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 lbs now, they're full-fledged punches. And ya know that wivestale about heartburn = hair? This girls coming out with a 'fro judging by how much I've been burning lately! Tums don't even cut it anymore, I had to buy some Maalox. And talk about swelling! I have given a new definition to the word "cankles". My feet get so swollen it hurts to walk by the end of the week. I have 2 students who know to bring their chairs with them when we go to sit down on the rug so that I can prop my feet up.

Although, bitching aside... it was hilarious when she had the hiccups last night and I could watch my stomach bounce with each one. And I love that I can feel her butt up at the top of my stomach. She almost feels like she moves in slow motion anymore - I guess she does considering her lack of space for the cartwheels she used to love doing.

We went to the doctor's last night and he said everything seems to be fine. We have one more appointment at the 2 week interval and then starting next month, we go weekly! Still can't believe that.

Well, in case you haven't noticed, this is being posted at 4 in the morning - I couldn't keep my eyes open by 7:45 last night, but yet now I can't keep them shut this morning. Guess I'll go work on my Maternity Plans -oh joy! <3