Monday, May 4, 2009

2 Months

Today, Anna is two months old. I just can't believe it. Although, the amount in which she has changed is HUGE! Her first month, she just kinda laid around trying to focus her poor little eyes, ate and slept. Now, she's rolling over whenever I put her on her belly for Tummy Time, she's constantly looking around (now that her vision allows her to see up to 10 feet away!) and she's SMILING!! I swear, her smile makes me melt. There's something about toothless grins in an infant that are amazing - somehow, not quite the same effect with a 90 year old. ;-)

We took Anna for her 1 Month photos at Sears last month. They did an amazing job despite her being uncooperative (and that's putting it mildly). It was hard not to spend hundreds of dollars on each pose! Instead, we bought a package with the CD so I can print as many as I want!

Probably the worst part about her turning 2 months old, is the fact that I go back to school next week. I think it's quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. I've watched her grow over the last 9 weeks and haven't missed a thing. Now, she will be spending her days with her Pop Pop (Tony's Dad). What if I don't get to see her crawl for the first time? Or miss her first giggle? The thought literally makes my heart hurt. I honestly don't see how people go back to work so quickly after their children are born, but to each his own. I could stay home for the rest of the school year and all summer and not get bored. She's fascinating. Her personality is already showing and I have a feeling we're going to have our hands full, to say the least. She is always moving, even when she's sleeping she squirms. I'm pretty sure that's why she eats all the time - she's constantly burning those calories. I hope it continues, for her sake.
Now, I just have to count down 25 school days starting next Monday - wish me luck!