Saturday, September 12, 2009

6 Months Later...

It's been 6 months since our lives changed forever, and if I had told you that I had ANY idea of what it would be like, it would have been a bold-faced lie. It's more amazing than words can describe. I survived the last 25 days of last school year, cherished my two weeks before Summer School started, and rushed home everyday of Summer School. Now, the new school year has begun, and I feel like she changes everyday - from the time we drop her off at 7 in the morning, til we pick her up at 4:30 in the afternoon. She has two bottom teeth which she got in the middle of July and has been working on those upper teeth for the past few weeks. She's pretty much crawling - although it's not quite fluent, she gets around. (Yes, I really did just use the word fluent to describe my child's crawling ability). Her personality is hilarious and proves that we're going to have our hands full. She loves standing up and giggles each time she pulls herself up - she's hot stuff, and she knows it. Ethel and her have become fast friends, despite the handfuls of fur Anna pulls out each time she "pets" her. She's a ham and that's putting it mildly... anytime anyone comments on her cuteness she breaks into a huge grin. She laughs hysterically at the littlest things which then in turn make us laugh until we cry. There's this little house on her excersaucer that has a door, and when you open the door, there's a mirror. She will sit there, open the door, look in the mirror, laugh and then slam the door shut - only to repeat it ten more times. It's priceless. We had her baptized last month and while the Pastor was pouring the water on her head, she turned around to see where that darn water was coming from. The whole congregation got a kick out of that. Needless to say every little old lady who walked by during communion commented on her and the Pastor told us that in over 400 baptisms, she's the first to do that. That's our Anna! I have fully ventured into the art of making baby food -- no preservatives here! She loves trying new food, and we've yet to find something that she doesn't like. In her 6 month check-up, we found out that she's as long as a 9 month old and weighs as much as an 8 month old, and is totally healthy! :) Here's hoping we get the rest of the house baby-proofed before she starts walking...