Friday, July 25, 2008

The Journey Begins

Sorry I'm a little late, but we've been busy!!

We had our first appointment at the OB-GYN on Wednesday. It was with a nurse though, not with one of the doctors. Linda, the nurse, was amazing. Super nice and answered any questions we could think of. She went through the regime of questioning about family history and the date of my last missed period. She took out her little wheel thing that calculates the due date. Tony was like a kid in a candy store! He was so fascinated by it, she gave it to him!! What the hell are we going to do with that? Haha.. I love him though.

She also went over everything I should and shouldn't be doing and reasons to call the office or hospital.

She also gave us a bag full of all kinds of goodies! Free magazines and coupons for other freebies like diaper bags and formula samples. It was like Christmas in July!

Lastly, she set up our first ultrasound (it's today!!!) and the first appointment with the doctor for my physical. (Oh joy) That's next Friday. She also sent me for a complete blood work-up.

I had shown up at the dr's with a full bladder just in case, but of course I didn't need it. When we got to the Wellspan for my bloodwork, I bee-lined for the bathroom to relieve myself. I went in to have my blood drawn and after the girl was done, she informed me that I'd now have to pee in a cup. AHHHH!! I had JUST gone 5 minutes before! Lucky for me, I'm pregnant and that means I can pee on command (even after just going). By no means did I fill the cup, but she said it would be enough.

I know need to go to drink 4 glasses of water so that my bladder is at FULL capacity for the ultrasound in an hour and a half. I just hope I don't pee on the table. I'll fill you in on the details of that later. Wish us luck that it's only ONE! :)

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