Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And the Countdown Begins

So, here we are - officially considered full-term no matter when she comes now. I am a day over 37 weeks and have less than 3 weeks to go. Everybody is saying there is no way I'll make it to March, let alone the 9th. My stomach feels bigger everyday and she's definitely dropped - I can breathe again, AND barely any heartburn anymore!! Wohooooo!!!

I know it's been a while, so let me think back to fill you in...

February 4th, we had a doctor's appointment. My feet were REALLY swollen, my blood pressure was high and when they tested my urine they found protein. These signs when put together point towards toxemia or pre-eclampsia. They don't know what causes it and it only affects pregnant women. SO, the doctor said he was sending us to the hospital for monitoring to see how Anna was doing. We went over to L&D - scary thought of being at the hospital at only 35 weeks, and they hooked me up to some monitors to check her heart rate, movements and my blood pressure. I was there for a little over half an hour, and they said everything looked fine.

Fast forward to the following week, doctor's appointment again, swelling is worse in my feet and now my hands are swollen too.. blood pressure is a little high and protein again - the nurse even apologized when she saw it. Doc sent us over to the hospital again, and said he'd meet us over there because he had a delivery to attend to. Hooked up to monitors again, everything with Anna looked "marvelous" to quote Dr. Marks. He then asked me what kinds of activities I was taking part in at home. My response was "At home? Sitting on my ass and watching tv with my feet up!" To which he responded "So, you're still working?!" and I said yea.. and he said "You're done!" I asked "Done Friday, or done today?" He said "Today!" Well, that wasn't going to go over very well because my long-term sub was scheduled to come in Thursday and Friday to shadow. So, doc compromised and told me that I was allowed to go to work Thursday, but that was it. AND.. I get to have monitoring at the hospital twice a week. Fun Fun!

Well, this past weekend, we had our last shower and went shopping and bought EVERYTHING else we needed to be ready for baby Anna.

Now it's all a waiting game - I'm spending my days at home, watching tv and trying to organize all of this wonderful baby stuff. Mom says we're going to have to move out so that there's room for everything! Tony thinks I'll go into labor next week, I'm hoping for the end of this week. That probably means she WILL wait until March just to be difficult. :) Hopefully the doctor will check me tomorrow and tell me that it'll be anyday now! Cross your fingers!

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