Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4 Weeks Later..

Who can believe it's already been 4 weeks since our angel made her debut? Not me! While there are times when it feels like she's always been here, it definitely doesn't feel like 4 weeks from surgery. (Which, might I add, recovery is still happening and I am not a fan) I can't help but have this underlying fear that something else is going to go wrong with my body - I mean if my uterus didn't cooperate during the surgery, what's to make it start now? I have no appetite - food is actually repulsive at times, I get pains in my stomach quite frequently, and nausea is my new friend. This is FAR worse than being 9 months pregnant. Although, I wouldn't give anything to be back there - I love having Anna here... it's wonderful (motherhood, that is). Just to look at her and know that she was created in my body is unbelieveable. Enough bitching..

She's fabulous. A good eater (sometimes TOO good of an eater) and she's getting better about her sleeping routine. Her second week home, she decided that 4am was a good time to go to sleep, but would only sleep until 8am and then would be up. Mommy was NOT a fan!! She's beautiful.. and I don't care how it sounds. It's not even just me who thinks so... complete strangers stop us in the stores and tell us how beautiful she is! Duh.. I wouldn't have made her if she wasn't going to be gorgeous! Who cares if she looks like her Daddy.. I see myself in some of the faces she makes and she definitely has her mother's guts when it comes to patience - she has NONE. If she's hungry, she wants it NOW! Not when you get around to whipping the boob out or getting the bottle ready. She rarely cries if she's recently been fed or changed.

I can't wait to buy her an Easter dress - Grammy and I are going shopping for it on Friday!! And then we'll have to take her to see the Easter Bunny next week! I will refrain from thinking about all of the germs that she will be exposed to in her 3 minute stay in the bunny's arms and will just sanitize the crap out of her afterwards. :) More pics to follow!!

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