Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby's First Picture!

7 Weeks, 4 Days

Well, it's official, not only do I have most of the normal pregnancy symptoms, we have photographic proof that there's an alien in my belly! (Well, maybe not an alien, but look at that picture and tell me that's not what you see!) Haha.. I was hoping the picture would be a little clearer, but we'll take what we can get.

They gave me paperwork telling me to drink FOUR glasses of liquid an hour before my appointment in order to fill my bladder and be able to get the best picture. So since my appointment was at 2:30, I chugged 32 oz of water at 1:30. Well, we got to the office a little early because I was hoping to be able to sit in the waiting room and let my bladder fill. Well, no such luck. They took me back 15 minutes early. Then, as the girl is pressing the wand thing all over my semi-full bladder, she says "Your bladder's not quite full..." Well no shit! I told her that my appointment wasn't for another 15 minutes, so she went and did some other things, came back and starting looking for my ovaries, and cervix and such. Then she started pushing that damn wand over my now FULL bladder. Wow did that hurt!!! She showed us an image where you could see this flickering - it was the baby's heartbeat. It's beating at about 171 beats per minute. She said that was good. Finally, she printed out two copies of the best picture she could get of our little munchkin. :) We should be going back in about another 10 weeks to make sure everything is fully formed and to *hopefully* find out the gender!!! (Let's just hope he or she isn't being modest that day!!)

Next journey... doctor's appointment next Friday for my physical.. internal and external. Let me tell you how excited I am for that!! NOT!

1 comment:

Angela said...

ET phone home..

hi little peanut

Aunt Ang