Friday, July 18, 2008

First Things First

Chances are, if you're reading this, Tony and I have recently informed you that we're expecting!! And we couldn't be more thrilled.. and nervous, and anxious.. the list is neverending.

I am currently in my 7th week - only 33 more to go! Ha.. that sounds ridiculous. 33 more weeks.. who even talks in weeks in such large increments? I'll tell ya who.. pregnant women!

So far, I have been fairly blessed with an easy start on this long road. Yes, it's true that I can't make it through a day without a nap, and I am unbelieveably irritable, and I pee every hour.. oooh! And my boobs are getting HUGE! Too bad they're too sore to touch. Sorry hubby.. you can look, you just can't touch. I've only felt queasy on two days, and one of them it went away after I ate something - I'm just hoping that's a clue to an easy pregnancy.

We told our parents the first week of July. My parents were speechless and Tony's were, well, shocked. They're all very excited though. My mom has already bought fabric to recover the bassinet she used for my sister and I. And my sister has apparently bought something for me, but she's being really secretive about it. We shall see..

Our first appointment is next Wednesday - July 23. Only it's not even with the doctor.. just a nurse. I guess I get to be poked and prodded and interrogated about my life. I have 2 or 3 pages to fill out before I go too. She is supposedly supposed to schedule our first ultrasound that day too!! I just cannot wait to hear the heartbeat and see the baby on the screen - maybe then it'll feel real. Until the next time there's something exciting to post.. I'm going to get back to reading a ridiculous amount of parenting/birthing/pregnancy books. :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

This is such a cute idea! Congrats again to the two of you and I am so excited! Take care of yourself girl. <3