Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ok, ok, ok...

So, it's been over a month since my last entry - sue me! I've been busy making a baby, what have YOU done?? ;-)

I am officially into my 17th week and other than my boobs now being D+'s and officially being able to wear my maternity pants sans safety pin, life's been pretty uneventful. Tony was kind enough to take me bra shopping this past weekend - let me tell you that it was HORRIBLE!! I haven't been able to wear a bra with an underwire for years - they poke my underarms and now that I've got boobs growing out my armpits, I really didn't think that would be a good idea. So, try finding a D bra with no underwire - they officially look like your great grandmother's and they are so not comfortable. I finally settled on one that Tony actually picked out, bought two, only to wear it all day yesterday and want to rip it off because it was so uncomfortable. I talked to a co-worker who was recently in my shoes and she said I'm going to want the underwire for the extra support because pretty soon these puppies are going to feel like they're dragging on the floor. NICE! So, I guess it will be another trip to the outlet to try on underwires!

On another note - the baby is officially about as big as your outstretched palm. About 5 or 5 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3 oz. Crazy huh? I still haven't felt it move - although all books say I should be feeling it anyday. I've definitely got the baby belly going on now and it seems I'm steadily gaining weight. We have our next doctor's appointment next Wednesday (Oct. 1) and then two weeks later go in for our second ultrasound to see if it's a boy or a girl!!! YAY!!

If I happen to feel some kicks or punches, you'll be the first.. well, probably more like 4th to know!! :)

1 comment:

Kylene said...

Hey! So, when are we going to do maternity pics? ;D I hope we can see you guys sometime soon. I hope all is going well too! Miss you!