Saturday, October 11, 2008

I can't believe it

We find out the sex of the baby in less than 4 days!! IT'S CRAZY!! I also can't believe that I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy! And as my loving friend Jess put it "Closer to the pain and agony of childbirth" (Maybe not her exact words, but I'm paraphrasing) Thanks Jess. :) I've been having A LOT of stretching going on inside - although thankfully my stomach is not showing any wonderful stretch marks yet. And I've still only gained 6-8 pounds. Baby is 6.5 inches long by now and I think almost weighs over half a pound? I still haven't felt it move yet... patiently waiting on that moment. We did buy one of those "DIY" baby heartbeat monitors the other day - it looks like a discman from the 90's with a foam covered cone coming out the back of it. Haven't had any success with it yet either, but it's still early.. I just couldn't pass it up at the consignment shop for $10.

A woman I work with has offered us her son and daughter in law's 4-1n-1 crib, dresser and changing table when they move out later this month. Their son is getting a "big boy bed" when they move into their new house. I was a little weary at first with it being used, but then Tony was talking to her yesterday and she said that they bought it at Penney's and paid $$$. I've looked on Penney's website, they have REALLY nice stuff! So we're going to go out and look at it in like 2 weeks. We've still only painted the base color in the nursery and as soon as we do the ragging on the crib wall I will post pictures of the beautiful color. (Or you could just come visit and see it in person!) ;-) TTFN!

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